Holds the values of an Item when reading a TeaFile untyped.

Namespace: TeaTime
Assembly: DiscreteLogics.TeaFiles (in DiscreteLogics.TeaFiles.dll) Version: (


public class Item


If the type inside a TeaFile is not knnown or not available in the program, the file can be read untyped using TeaFile. In contrast to TeaFile<(Of <(<'T>)>)> which exposes each item by it's known type like Tick, TeaFile exposes the items as a collection of instances of this Item class. It wraps an array of objects, each holding the value of a field of the item. This item can be printed by calling its ToString()()()() method, or using GetValueString(Item) from ItemDescription.


struct Tick
    public Time Time;
    public double Price;
    public long Volume;


// write typed
using (var tf = TeaFile<Tick>.Create("acme.tea"))
    tf.Write(new Tick { Time = new Time(2000, 3, 4), Price = 12.34, Volume = 7200 });

// 1. read typed
using (var tf = TeaFile<Tick>.OpenRead("acme.tea"))
    Tick item = tf.Read();  // typed read is convenient: we get a tpyed Tick back,
    Time t = item.Time;     // so access to its fields simply means acessing the fields of a Tick struct.
    double p = item.Price;
    long v = item.Volume;

// 2. read untyped
// if we do not have the type available or do not know what is inside the file,
// we can still read it untyped:
using (var tf = TeaFile.OpenRead("acme.tea"))
    Item item = tf.Read();      // Here an item of type Item is returned, which holds the field values as an object[].
    object t = item.Values[0];  // The field values can be accessed by their field index
    object p = item.Values[1];  // The values inside this array still have the types Time, double and long, but
    object v = item.Values[2];  // we might not always know this at compile time. If we know it,
                                // a casts can be added:
    Time tt = (Time) item.Values[0];
    Console.WriteLine(item);    // The implicit call of ToString() here will cause the output:
                                // 4.3.2000, 12.34, 7200
Some GUI controls (like grids) accept an object[] as the value for a row, which allows very simple binding of items.

See Also